International Shipping

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In today’s marketplace, a person can live hundreds or even thousands of miles away from the piece of machinery or equipment they may be wanting to purchase and may involve crossing the Borders in order to have the equipment delivered to your location.  Exporting heavy equipment can be challenging because of both export and import regulations that must be followed.  The transport can be very expensive and should be figured into the price of the equipment itself when making that purchase decision.

When you have made that purchase, the first thing a buyer should do is find a transport company that knows and understands the difficulties of the transporting internationally.  They will be able to give an estimated cost of moving the equipment safely and legally.  They should also be able to recommend a Custom’s Broker that can prepare all of the paperwork needed to cross the Border with the equipment.

When all the logistics of moving the equipment is figured out, you will want to make sure that the equipment is washed clean and ready to be looked at by the Custom’s Officer at the Port or the International Port of Crossing.  Your transport company should be able to help you find a company that will do this for a reasonable cost.  Equipment that is dirty and greasy can be turned away or denied Custom Clearance for export or import.  Also be sure that a clean copy of the Bill of Sale, Bill of Lading, AES Manifest is given to your transport company and that they have their PARS/PAPS as needed.  If the paperwork is not done correctly or unavailable, there could be issues at the Border that can cause delays and may incur extra costs.

BeKa Holdings, LLC is very knowledgeable in International Shipping and can help in transporting your equipment.  Give us a call and we will be happy to answer any other questions

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